A pair of handcrafted, organic, homegrown seasonal tea blends.
CON FETE TEA: Petal to the Nettle
We are so happy to share this rainbow parade of flowers. All through April and May, we spent a lot of time scouting and picking blossoms. This tea is a confetti of Springtime magic bouncing around in Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica), the OG Grandma of Spring tonics. Nettle is super rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, amino acids, protein, and flavonoids. And all the blossoms are rich with exuberance, magic, and beauty as well as many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Ingredients: Cherry, Apple, Lilac, Red Clover, Elderflower, Violet, Marigold, Eastern Redbud, Dandelion, Wisteria, Yarrow, Calendula, Norway Maple, Magnolia
A nice brew to settle the tummy and refresh the palate, to send warmth, relaxation, and pleasant tingles through the body. A hot cup can wake up the whole system during those sluggish, dreary days. Mint and ginger are beloved all over the world, for their taste and for their many healing powers — anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting, and a digestive aid. This tea pairs well with a little dollop of honey and a squeeze of lemon.
Ingredients: Peppermint Leaf (Mentha piperita), Spearmint Leaf (Mentha spicata), Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale)
We love tea. We love growing the herbs, drying them, mixing them, and of course drinking their steamy brew. May you drink many a cup in good health!
A pair of handcrafted, organic, homegrown seasonal tea blends.
CON FETE TEA: Petal to the Nettle
We are so happy to share this rainbow parade of flowers. All through April and May, we spent a lot of time scouting and picking blossoms. This tea is a confetti of Springtime magic bouncing around in Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica), the OG Grandma of Spring tonics. Nettle is super rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, amino acids, protein, and flavonoids. And all the blossoms are rich with exuberance, magic, and beauty as well as many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Ingredients: Cherry, Apple, Lilac, Red Clover, Elderflower, Violet, Marigold, Eastern Redbud, Dandelion, Wisteria, Yarrow, Calendula, Norway Maple, Magnolia
A nice brew to settle the tummy and refresh the palate, to send warmth, relaxation, and pleasant tingles through the body. A hot cup can wake up the whole system during those sluggish, dreary days. Mint and ginger are beloved all over the world, for their taste and for their many healing powers — anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting, and a digestive aid. This tea pairs well with a little dollop of honey and a squeeze of lemon.
Ingredients: Peppermint Leaf (Mentha piperita), Spearmint Leaf (Mentha spicata), Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale)
We love tea. We love growing the herbs, drying them, mixing them, and of course drinking their steamy brew. May you drink many a cup in good health!
A pair of handcrafted, organic, homegrown seasonal tea blends.
CON FETE TEA: Petal to the Nettle
We are so happy to share this rainbow parade of flowers. All through April and May, we spent a lot of time scouting and picking blossoms. This tea is a confetti of Springtime magic bouncing around in Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica), the OG Grandma of Spring tonics. Nettle is super rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, amino acids, protein, and flavonoids. And all the blossoms are rich with exuberance, magic, and beauty as well as many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Ingredients: Cherry, Apple, Lilac, Red Clover, Elderflower, Violet, Marigold, Eastern Redbud, Dandelion, Wisteria, Yarrow, Calendula, Norway Maple, Magnolia
A nice brew to settle the tummy and refresh the palate, to send warmth, relaxation, and pleasant tingles through the body. A hot cup can wake up the whole system during those sluggish, dreary days. Mint and ginger are beloved all over the world, for their taste and for their many healing powers — anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting, and a digestive aid. This tea pairs well with a little dollop of honey and a squeeze of lemon.
Ingredients: Peppermint Leaf (Mentha piperita), Spearmint Leaf (Mentha spicata), Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale)
We love tea. We love growing the herbs, drying them, mixing them, and of course drinking their steamy brew. May you drink many a cup in good health!